1·The curing of bituminous pavement in divided into preventive curing and treatment curing.
2·Conclusion:the exponential mean test method can be used to test the average cost of the treatment curing one patient statistically when the data follows approximately an exponential distribution;
3·The preventive curing is the curing work made before there is no obvious damage on bituminous pavement and the treatment curing is the maintenance curing made after damage is occurred on pavement.
4·The objective is to observe the treatment effect and side effects of Voglibose Tablet in curing type 2 diabetes.
5·The regimen involves not just finding and curing infectious TB patients, but ensuring—through direct observation—that they take the full, six-month treatment to prevent drug resistance.
6·Many patients gave up their treatment when they found curing the disease was even worse than the disease itself.
7·The treatment has been__ painless way of curing cancer, which is untrue.
8·Through analysis of bridge diseases in Dandong Area, the paper proposes measures for typical treatment of them, and makes some suggestions on curing, reconstruction and extension of bridge.
9·The machine integrates automatic feeding devise, flame treatment, automatic direction detective devise and uv curing system and so on.
10·Objective To observe the treatment effect and side effects of Voglibose Tablet in curing type 2 diabetes.